
We ensure total production and organization of promotion events,
mainly in exhibitions, whether in Japan or overseas.


  • 企画


  • 施工Constructions

  • 演出
    Stage Production

  • 運営Operation

  • 制作物Products




From planning events to operating them, designing space and visuals, directing presentations,
stage production, video production, online broadcasting, pre-event preparation,
Web, social media promotion. We are here to walk you through and help produce all sorts of promotional events.


Our team of professionals, through a wide range of skills, have many experiences inside of
Japan and other locations in Asia, Europe or America.

ROCKの強みは、Worldwide な企画力と行動力。


ROCK has the strength to plan and take the global action.
By utilizing our unique ideas and network,
we continue to challenge the impossible around the world:

At ROCK, we are doing everything with passion
and we always aim for the top.
That is how we are able to present the best to you.

  • 企画

  • ROCKの企画は愛あるアイデアを詰め込みすぎる!ファン(クライアント)のファン(ROCK)によるファン(お客様)のための プロモーションを提案します。ファンの思いが詰め込まれた提案書、 そのページをめくるワクワク、感じてみませんか?ROCK’s planning is filled with our love.
    Making promotion of the fan (our client), by the fan (ROCK), for the fan (customer).
    Can you already feel the excitement about our plans made with passion?

  • 施工Constructions
  • ROCKの施工は特別な空間を創造しすぎる目に飛び込んだ瞬間から特別な場所にやってきたと感じられる空間をデザインします。 そして欲張りな我々は、美しさと安全性も同時に約束します。ROCK’s construction is all about creating an unforgettable space.
    Designing a space that attracts customer’s eyes at first sight.
    We always value both safety and beauty as the basis of our construction work.
  • 演出
    Stage Production

  • ROCKの演出はあらゆる感情を震わせすぎる! お客様も作り手も関わる全ての人の記憶に残る瞬間を積み重ね、 いつまでも振り返りたくなるステージを演出します。 「帰りたくなくなった」というご意見が最高の褒め言葉です。ROCK’s stage production is about Impression.
    Creating memorable shows that will last forever in people’s mind.
    When the audience doesn’t want it to stop is the best compliment for us.
  • 運営Operation

  • ROCKの運営は安心・安全を考慮しすぎる!NO ”なぜ?”宣言!あらゆる場面で生まれる疑問と不安を無くし、 お客様が始まりから終わりまで安全に参加できる運営を何よりも大切にします。ROCK’s operation is focused on safety and peace of mind.
    No ”Why?”, we leave no place for question or confusion during the whole operation.
    With our strong policy, customers can enjoy the event from the start to the end in a safe environment.
  • 制作物Products

  • ROCKの制作物は理想を具現化しすぎる!受け取った相手に愛着を持って長く使ってほしいから細部まで拘りホンモノを目指します。 そしてその先の笑顔も。ROCK’s production embodies an ideal.
    We make products caring about small details, because we want customers to use them for a long time. And we also want to make them smile.